
Anatomy and Function
The perineum is the zone between the external genitalia and the anus. Since the skin in this area is especially sensitive, it's also an erogenous zone. Underneath the skin is the pubococcygeus (muscle). [1] [2]

Due to the proximity to the after, the perineum is often affected by intestinal germs such as E. coli and enterococci. This is not problematic as long as those potential germs don't reach the vagina or the urethra. [1] [2] [URINARY BLADDER]

Perineal tear and episiotomy
In a natural birth, the vaginal opening (introitus vaginae) stretches completely. This is why the tissue can also tear. For a long time, an episiotomy was preventively induced by doctors since allegedly a parineal tear had worse chances of cure than an episiotomy. Nowadays, it's assumed that an episiotomy should only be performed with a solid reason, for example, if the fetus is in actual danger due to a delayed birth process. For the WHO, there is no justification for a routinely performed episiotomy. [2] [3] [4] [5] [VAGINAL BIRTH]

In order to prevent a possible perineal tear or episiotomy, preventive measures can be initiated during pregnancy: [6]
+ stretching of vagina with oil
+ perineal massages and hip baths in order to relax the muscles
+ pelvic floor exercises
+ balanced nutrition and sporting activities

These wishes should be written down and/or conveyed to the responsible midwife and/or doctors in the hospital.