Albrecht Dürer
Adam and Eve / Copper engraving
Albertina Wien, Austria

11-29-Adam und Eva Duerer

Rights (Photo / Work):
Signiert und datiert auf der am
Baum hängenden Tafel:
FACIEBAT AD [= Dürermonogramm] 1504
(Albrecht Dürer aus Nürnberg
schuf es)
Provenienz: Legat Joseph Heintl,
Foto: N. Lackner
Das Original befindet sich in
der Sammlung der Alten Galerie am Universalmuseum Joanneum
    Albrecht Dürer was one of the primary representatives of the Northern[1] Renaissance. His theoretical treatises involve principles of mathematics, perspective and ideal proportions. In the course of it he developed the proportional scheme of a woman in which he analyzed female anatomy in more and more detail. Starting with "two dimension grids – one above the mons and the other on a level with the crotch"[2] he accomplished the theory by marking the extremity of the pudental cleft.[3] In the copper engraving "Adam and Eve", Eve is naked and covers her vulva with a leaf. The indentations around the vulva triangle define the sexual organ, above the leaf the pubic hair can be seen in both cases. Dürer's intention was to create a preferably naturalistic representation of mankind.

Biography: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albrecht_Dürer

(Translation: C. Wilhelm)