Mira Schor
Spanish Painting

22-86-Spanish Painting Schor

Rights (Photo / Work):
© Mira Schor, 2013 (http://www.miraschor.com/).

List of sources:

    Mira Schor showed this work at the exhibitions „The Visible Vagina" in the David Nolan Gallery and „Legitimate Vagina" in the Miranda Arts Projet Space, both located in New York. In this oil painting Schor depicts a stylized vagina, symbolized by red color. The vaginal opening is marked by a semicolon, on the left and on the right side there are quotation marks. Quotation marks are used for emphasizing something very important, for ironizing something or for distanzing oneself. A semicolon is used to connect two statements, its original meaning is incomplete half of a colon. Apparently Schor considers the time come to work intensively on the "omission", on the "incomplete" female sex, to declare it of age, to make it heard, to put the vulva into the focus and to appreciate it as something positive.

Oil on linen, 12" x 16"

Biografie: http://www.miraschor.com/

(Translation: K. Seifter)