Elke Krystufek
Performance in the Kunsthalle Vienna, Austria

22-88-Satisfaction Krystufek

Rights (Photo / Work):
© Kunsthalle Wien, 2013 (http://www.kunsthallewien.at/)
© Photo: Attilio Maranzano

    Elke Krystufek's performance marked the launch of the exhibition „Jetztzeit" in the Kunsthalle Vienna. The artist was in the setting of a bathroom, whose walls of white smooth tiles transmitted a sterile atmosphere. Surrounded by electronic devices, such as coffee machine, refrigerator or washing machine she began to masturbate and then took a relaxing bath.[1] Krystufek's art is about the men's objectified look at women and the power of female sexuality. With her performance she breaks down the borders between private and public space and places the audience into the intimate role of voyeurs. The feminist Laura Mulvey writes in an essay[2] that it is time to conceive a "new language of desire"[3] and to reconsider the "image of the castrated woman[4] created in the past eras and to build up a new one. Krystufek says in an interview: "Are men better in masturbating? I don't think so. I think that women can do it more often."[5] Like everday household chores, that are symbolized by the household appliances in the setting, sexuality and masturbation are normal and natural processes equally due to women and men.

Biography: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elke_Krystufek

(Translation: K. Seifter)