
Anatomy and Function
The labia (Labia majora/minora pudeni) are two pairs of skin folds which protect the woman's pubic area. [1] [2] [3]

The labia majora protect the vulva and are mostly more pigmented than the surrounding skin and are well supplied with blood. The outside is hairy and has sweat, sebaceous and apocrine sweat glands. The inside is hairless and very sensitive. [1] [2]

The labia minora are between pale pink and bluish and completely hairless. Here are the sebaceous glands and only few sweat glands. In the lower third are the excretory ducts of the Barholin glands which wet he vaginal vestibule. [1] [2] The labia minora can be smaller or bigger than the labia majora. This varies from woman to woman and also depends on different life stages. [1]

The labia fill with blood when sexually aroused. The labia minora change their colour and give way. New studies have shown that the labia play an important role in a woman's sexuality, both in foreplay and orgasm. [1]

The current popular depilation of the female genital uncovers areas which have long been hidden. [MONS VENERIS] This might result in new problematic areas for women, although beauty is a concept that differs from culture to culture.

"Most European women consider it beautiful when the labia majora just cover the labia minora. However, in Japan the labia are ideal when they have the shape of butterfly wings and in some African countries it's considered beautiful when the labia minora stick out quite far". [4]
(translated by Christine Wilhelm)

Variety is created deliberately by nature since the beauty of different forms and colours are expressed that way. [1]