Alfred Kubin
Leap into Death

19-52-Der Todessprung Kubin

Rights (Photo / Work):
© Eberhard Spangenberg/Bildrecht, Wien, 2013

    In one part ot the psychanalysis founded by himself, Sigmund Freud states that human beings are afraid of genitalia and castration.[1] So the vulva in Kubin's drawing, too, appears to be threatening, because it is placed in the foreground, supersized and gigantic it completely fills the image. The threatening scenario depicts a thin, little man with an erected penis jumping into the vulva what results in his death. The depiction of the vulva gains a new significance from Modernism on. The vulva is no longer a taboo, neither denied nor omitted, but requires more and more frequently that the artists shall focus on the sex neglected for such a long time.

Biography: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Kubin

(Translation: K. Seifter)