Judy Chicago
Ceramic Goddess #3
Courtesy of ACA Galleries N.Y., USA

21-75-Ceramic Goddess 3 Chicago

Rights (Photo / Work):
Photo © Donald Woodman
© Judy Chicago, 2013 and
licensed for use by
Bildrecht, Wien, 2013


The “Goddess Figure” series was one of the artist’s first works about birth and fertility.[1] This goddess of fertility also is part of Chicago’s monumental art work “The Dinner Party”. In the Upper Paleolithic period the woman was venerated as giver of life and was of major importance for the continuity of mankind. Exhibiting similar stylistic characteristics to the Venus of Willendorf, the ceramic Goddess displays voluptuous female forms, such as breasts, thighs, buttocks and vulva. In research the voluptuous buttocks stand as metaphor for the so-called “double egg” – a symbol of major fertility.[2] Apparently Chicago’s figure refers to this, since the pubic triangle of the godess reminds of eggs. With this gods series Chicago intends to make aware people of womens’ veneration and importance in prehistoric times.

Biography: http://www.judychicago.com/about/bio.php

(Translation: K. Seifter)